AMVAC Announces Release of Zalo® Herbicide – Facts for Fancy Fruit

AMVAC Announces Release of Zalo® Herbicide

AMVAC Announces Release of Zalo® Herbicide

In an IR-4 Industry Technology Session presentation on July 18, 2024, Dan Kunkel with AMVAC Corporation announced the release of Zalo® herbicide for use in pome and stone fruits. Zalo® is a premix of quizalofop and glufosinate. Quizalofop, a grass-selective herbicide, is the active ingredient in products such as Assure® II. Glufosinate, is a broad-spectrum contact herbicide marketed and sold under many trade names, including Liberty® and Rely®.  Use patterns and recommendations for this premix product are similar to the individual products, including the use of ammonium sulfate (AMS) and either a crop oil concentrate (COC), non-ionic surfactant (NIS), methylated seed oil (MSO) or high surfactant oil concentrate (HSOC). As with the individual products, for the best weed control applications should be made to small, emerged, actively growing weeds. Warm, humid, and bright sunlight conditions will improve weed control as well.

The Zalo® herbicide label can be found here:

To view this recorded product update and others presented at the IR-4 Technology Session, click here

This is not an endorsement of Zalo® herbicide or its component herbicides. As with any new product or practice, adoption on-farm should be gradual until you have a sense for how it fits with your individual production system. For more information on herbicides registered for use in fruit crops, visit the Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide online at

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Page last modified: August 1, 2024

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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