Becoming the Employer of Choice – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Becoming the Employer of Choice

Becoming the Employer of Choice Program

This program is geared for current and future farm managers/owners looking to improve their human resource management skills. The program includes interactive sessions for managers to increase management awareness and ability. These sessions aim to build skills in a wide variety of human resource management topics important to farm businesses. Learn from other farmers and managers to take home effective and practical approaches to human resource management on farms.


Registration is $40 if received by June 2. Please complete at this link:

Each Session – 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. EDT 

(8:30 a.m. -10:30 a.m. CDT) via zoom


  • Learn how different leadership styles are used on the farm
  • Reduce mis-hires and turnover through hiring best practices
  • Learn about organizational culture and how it affects employee motivation and engagement
  • Identify keys to creating a  motivating environment on the farm
  • Learn how to effectively communicate expectations to employees
  • Develop skills to provide more effective feedback
  • Learn methods for addressing and working through conflict


Trained Instructors will guide you through the following modules in this training:

Session 1 – June 9th   

From Manager to Leaders

Ø  Review the role of leadership in HRM

Ø  Discuss the different leadership styles and applications on farms

Ø  Understand their own leadership skills


Developing a Motivated Workforce

Ø  Identify the keys to a motivating environment

Ø  Assess the motivational climate of their farm

Ø  Increase awareness of motivating factors and types of power

Ø  Understand their own use of power and persuasion


Session 2 – June 16th

Hiring the Right People

Ø  Ask interview questions that are specific to the requirements of the job

Ø  Use the interview process to reveal applicants’ skills, abilities, and thought processes related to job requirements

Ø  Write job descriptions to define and evaluate job positions on the farm

Ø  Have the tools needed to reduce mis-hires and turnover rate


The Farm Business Culture

Ø  Learn about organizational culture and how it affects employee motivation and engagement

Ø  Gain awareness of employees’ culture and how they bring culture to the job

Ø  Identify both positive and negative elements of their own farm business culture


Session 3 – June 23rd

Strategic Leadership & On-Boarding

Ø  Learn how to effectively communicate expectations to employees

Ø  Learn about on-boarding practices and training opportunities

Ø  Develop a vision for the farm to engageand motivate employees


Review & Feedback

Ø  Learn how to provide constructive feedback to employees

Ø   Be able to develop skills to provide more effective feedback

Ø  Learn about performance reviews and incentive plans



Session 4 – June 30th

Managing Conflict

Ø  Understand basic concepts in conflict management

Ø  Learn about basic methods to work through conflict


Wrap Up Discussion with Participants

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