Events – Facts for Fancy Fruit


July 9, 2019 Turf & Landscape Field Day
William H. Daniel Turf Center
Contact: Brooke Ponder,
The 2019 Turf & Landscape Field Day was well attended with 443 attendees, 38 vendors, 4 sponsors, and 20+ volunteers. Morning tours included turf research tours and landscape tours. Afternoon workshops included golf research, accidents and their legal ramifications, using drones to assess turf stress, a walk-about featuring landscape plants diagnoses, sports turf, and weed ID and control. Lunch was catered by Shoup’s Country Foods.

July 18, 2019 Meigs High Tunnel Field Day
Purdue Meigs Farm
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown,
The Meigs High Tunnel Field Day was well attended with over 40 registrants on a hot, sunny July day. A few of the educational sessions included in the program:
Production of Specialty melons in High Tunnels
Early Detection of Bacterial Wilt
Impact of Crop Rotation and Rootstock on the Resilience of High Tunnel Tomatoes
AgComm’s Tom Campbell photographed the event.

August 1, 2019 Small Farm Ed Field Day
Daniel Turf Center, Purdue Student Farm
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown,
The Small Farm Education Field Day was well attended with more than twice the registrants we had in 2018, 3 vendors, (Field Watch, SARE, and AgNutrition), as well as 20 International registrants. The morning academic session took place at the Daniel Turf Center. The afternoon educational session took place at the Purdue Student Farm with the following program:
Rototiller vs. power harrow demonstration

High tunnel tomato and pepper production

Solar dryers for post-harvest processing of fruits, vegetables

Wash pack demonstration

Food safety plans and certification process for gardeners

Dynamic enterprise budgets

Scheduling crops in high tunnels

Cover crop choices

Soil restoration in urban farms
AgComm’s Tom Campbell photographed the event, as well as a reporter that attended and spoke to the registrants as well as the organizers and HLA Extension Specialists. She will send out a press release soon!

August 13, 2019 Vegetable Field Day/Sweet Corn Taste Testing
Pinney Purdue Ag Center, 11402 S. County Line Rd., Wanatah, IN
Nikky Witkowski,, (219) 465-3555

August 22, 2019 IPLLA The 33rd Annual Summer Field Day
Hendricks County Conference Center & Fairgrounds, Danville, IN
Registration details:

September 5, 2019 Hydroponics & Greenhouse workshop
Purdue University, Deans auditorium, HLA greenhouse
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown,
Participants will learn about optimal conditions for growing hydroponic lettuce, including nutrient recipes, production systems, artificial lighting practices and optimal temperatures for lettuce. Workshop attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the department’s greenhouse and hydroponic facilities where several hands-on activities will take place. Krishna Nemali, professor of controlled environment agriculture, will lead the workshop. Nemali’s research centers on enhancing sustainable growing practices in controlled environments, like greenhouse and indoor vertical farms.

October 17, 2019 Indiana Flower Growers association conference
Purdue University, Daniel Turf Center
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown,
Horticulturists and greenhouse operators will have an opportunity to network with industry experts and Purdue Extension specialists. Educational sessions to include technology and automation, electrical conductivity sensors, marketplace opportunities, greenhouse production, worker production standards, as well as networking with other flower growers across the state.

January 7, 2020 Illiana Vegetable Growers Symposium
Teibel’s Family Restaurant, 1775 US 41, US 30 & US 41, Schererville, IN

February 11-13, 2020 Indiana Horticultural Conference & Expo
Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel:
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown,
The Indiana Horticultural Conference & Expo, presented by Purdue University, is an educational meeting designed to meet the needs of fruit, vegetable, wine, organics, greenhouse, high tunnel, specialty crop growers and marketers in Indiana and surrounding states. Over 500 registrants and more than 70 vendors attend each year.

February 11-13, 2020 Indiana Green Expo
Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN
Indiana’s largest, most comprehensive green industry event of the year!
Offering over 75 educational seminars plus a Spanish track, certification opportunities,
in-depth workshops, numerous CEUs and CCHs to be earned, and a two-day trade show!

July 30, 2020 Small Farm Education Field Day
Daniel Turf Center, Purdue Student Farm
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown,



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Page last modified: August 15, 2019

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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