EZ (liquid) formulations set to replace granular Valor SX and Chateau SW – Facts for Fancy Fruit

EZ (liquid) formulations set to replace granular Valor SX and Chateau SW

If you use the herbicides Valor® or Chateau®, you may notice a change with your next jug.  Valent U.S.A. Corporation is phasing out production of Valor SX and Chateau SW, both water soluble granule formulations. The new liquid formulations are called Valor EZ and Chateau EZ. While the granular formations contain 51% of the active ingredient flumioxazin by weight, the new liquid version will contain 4 lb of flumioxazin per gallon. But there is good news: the new liquid formulation can be applied at the same “ounce rate” as the granular versions.

So, if you would normally use 3 ounces of Chateau SW per acre, you would use 3 fluid ounces of Chateau EZ per acre.

While Valor® is labeled for use in row crops and sweetpotato, Chateau® has a much broader label and includes many fruit crops.  For crops that rely on a Chateau 24(c) special local needs label, the new EZ formulation will require its own 24(c) label.

To learn more about weed management options in fruit crops, visit the Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide (https://ag.purdue.edu/hla/hort/documents/id-465.pdf).

Figure 2. Chateau EZ (liquid) label.

Figure 2. Chateau EZ (liquid) label.

Figure 1. Chateau SW (water soluble granule) label.

Figure 1. Chateau SW (water soluble granule) label.

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Page last modified: April 4, 2022

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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