Managing Diseases on Stone Fruits – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Managing Diseases on Stone Fruits

Late spring freezes and severe winter cold regularly causes stone fruit crop losses to approach100%.  With this level of irregular cropping, disease management must focus on protecting foliage to ensure a good potential crop for next year, while reduc­ing over wintering spore loads. Copper is fairly phytotoxic to peaches and should be avoided. Bravo is another low(er) cost alternative if disease pressure become high, but fruit is absent.

  • Captan at the 1.3 lb/ 100 gallon rate should sufficiently con­trol brown rot twig blight, scab on peaches and cherry leaf spot.
  •   If the season is excessively wet, higher rates of captan may be required.
  •   Captan will not control powdery mildew.
  • Wet­table sulfur at the 6 lb per 100 gallon rate is probably the least expensive material you can use and provides excellent control of powdery mildew of all stone fruit
  • Wettable sulfur should aid in controlling brown rot twig blight, and peach scab.
  • Flame Out (Oxytetra­cycline) or Mycoshield should be used to control bacterial spot on peaches, particularly if the weather is wet in late June and July.

For more information, see: http://: BP-179 Disease Management for Fruit Trees After Crop Loss at

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Page last modified: April 22, 2020

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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