Peach Disease Management 2020 – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Peach Disease Management 2020

As this outbreak unfolds, please feel free to contact me with any questions by phone or email. I am so grateful for the essential and important work that you all do and will help and support you in any way I can. In the meantime, I’ll provide you with the updated information on plant diseases and their management, including information on new products and new spray guide formats that you expect at a time when nothing is going as we expected.

I look forward to seeing you all on the other side of this outbreak—please be careful and safe.



This publication (See Indiana Peach Disease Management Guide, below) provides a disease management schedule for Indiana commercial peach growers.

The application rates presented in these tables are based on the amount of product to apply per acre. Each table presents the diseases to control at each peach growth stage and the products that are labeled for their control.

Successful application and control depends on many factors, including the type of application equipment, how well that equipment is maintained, proper spray volume, tree phenology, tree height, row width, target pest, tractor speed, frequency of application, the appropriate pesticide, and the chemical rate per acre used. Some product labels require minimum and/or maximum recommendations for spray volume (the amount of water to use per acre when spraying).

As always, follow label precautions when tank-mixing oils, fungicides, and insecticides. Materials are listed alphabetically.

Fungicides work best when used prophylactically, and also when used before a rain event. Fungicide efficacy varies, and factors that impact this include the cultivar of the vine treated, vine growth, the type of fungicide being used, the environmental conditions, and the level of inoculum present. Protectant fungicides like copper, sulfur or mancozeb is ~ 7 to 14 days; Systemic fungicides like Rally, Ridomil, or Abound(FRAC Code 3,4, 11) are 10 to 21 days. During periods of rapid tree growth, or during frequent rains, shorten intervals between treatments.

Careful planning also will avoid the use of too much chemical, as many of the fungicides have seasonal limits on how much can be used. Your overall spray schedule should take into account early tree growth, weather conditions that favor scab or powdery mildew, and the properties of the various fungicides available for use. Bloom applications are particularly important when the weather is wet.

When only one product is used exclusively to control a disease, fungicide resistance in that pathogen will evolve, reducing fungicide efficacy and disease control. Tank mix or alternate materials that have a different mode of action (different FRAC code), or utilize pre-mixes (e.g., Pristine, Merivon, Switch, Luna Sensation, Luna Experience, etc.). This table was developed to help growers manage peach diseases.

Follow this link to view the tables:



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