Provide your feedback on fruit insect topics for 2023 – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Provide your feedback on fruit insect topics for 2023

Happy spring to everyone! I’m sure you are preparing your fruit systems for a productive season! I am looking forward to warmer weather and my favorite time of the year: when fruits and vegetables are fresh and abundant in the Hoosier heartland.

Last year, I focused my fruit insect articles on what to look for and when during the season, based on the phenology of fruiting systems, and updates on insect activity recorded in traps maintained by my team. I will continue to do the same, but wanted to invite our readers to suggest insect-related topics that you’d like to read or learn more about!

I’ve created a 1-question poll with pre-suggested topics, as well as a fill in the blank option for you to suggest other ideas. If you’d like to weigh in, please complete the poll by Friday, April 7th. I’ll use this feedback to plan future articles about fruit insects in Facts for Fancy Fruit.

If you are not able to access the poll, you can email suggested topics to me at Thank you in advance for your feedback! I look forward to seeing which topics you pick!

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Page last modified: March 30, 2023

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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