Purdue Small Farm Education field day – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Purdue Small Farm Education field day


Thursday, July 27, 2023
Registration 8:00 – 9:00 am EST
Demonstrations at 9:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
Coordinator: Petrus Langenhoven
Extension Staff: Lori Jolly-Brown, Lais McCartney, and Patrick Williams

Please join us for the 2023 Small Farm Education Field Day!
The EMT food truck will be on site for those who would like to purchase lunch after the educational demonstrations end. The Kona Ice truck will also be on site for a FREE cool summer treat for all attendees, compliments of Purdue Extension and Purdue Horticulture and Landscape Architecture!

Kona ice

Demonstrations at the Field Day

  • High Tunnel Table Grape Production
    Miranda Purcell
  • High Tunnel Pepper Production and Variety Selection
    Petrus Langenhoven and Dennis Gustavo Toc Mo
  • Growing Grains on the Small Farm – Dry Edible Bean Variety Trial
    Wil Brown-Grimm and Ashley Adair
  • Predator-Prey Dynamics in High Tunnel Crop Production
    Sam Willden
  • Biorational Pesticide Efficacy for Controlling Caterpillars and Flea Beetles in
    Crucifer Crop Production
    Laura Ingwell
  • Black Soldier Fly Composting and Specialty Crop Production
    Milena Agila and Laura Ingwell
  • Raised Garden Beds for Vegetable Production
    Amy Thompson and Nathan Shoaf
  • Postharvest Food Safety Demonstration
    Scott Monroe and Amanda Deering
  • Silage Tarps and Their Potential Uses on Small Farms
    Steve Meyers and Josue Cerritos
  • Choosing Fertilizer Injectors for Drip Irrigation for Small Plots
    Wenjing Guan
    Save the date
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