A population of spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) was first identified in Indiana in July 2021 in Switzerland County. Since then, populations have been found in Huntington, Elkhart, St. Joseph, Delkab, Porter, Allen and Noble counties. Many of these newly found sightings have been on tree of heaven (it’s preferred host) along rail lines, and it is suspected that the insect will continue to move westward from infected areas along rail lines. Click here for information on identification, monitoring and and interactive map of confirmed sightings. Adults will emerge in late summer, and this is their most recognizable stage.
Suspected finds should be reported to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources using the online reporting form. Additionally, you can call 866-NO EXOTIC (866-663-9684) or email DEPP@dnr.IN.gov. Please leave your name, contact number and detailed information about what you are reporting. Photos are always appreciated. By notifying us of a potential pest problem you provide an invaluable service to the DNR and our natural resources.
For further information: https://www.purduelandscapereport.org/article/spotted-lanternfly-is-on-the-move/