The 2025 Indiana Hort Conference is less than a month away! Here are some of the highlights of this year’s conference – Facts for Fancy Fruit

The 2025 Indiana Hort Conference is less than a month away! Here are some of the highlights of this year’s conference

-Entomology Specialists from Purdue (Dr. Elizabeth Long) and the USDA ARS (Dr. Tracy Leskey, West Virginia) will be presenting a spotted lanternfly update, tools for dealing with plum curculio, a spotted wing drosophila update and ‘how to’ session on the setup of fruit insect monitoring traps.

-Tree Fruit Specialist, Peter Hirst, will be presenting an apple rootstock update, details about trellising high density production systems and a roundtable discussion on heirloom varieties. Viticulture Specialist, Miranda Purcell, will be presenting an intro to grape growing session.

-Purdue’s new Plant Pathologist, Cesar Escalante, will be presenting an update on Neopestalotiopsis in strawberry, and Weed Specialist, Steve Meyers, will be presenting about herbicide application technologies.

-Mark Torkelson from Indiana Irrigation will present ideas for improving irrigation efficiency in specialty crops, and Aaron Kreider from the Office of the Indiana State Chemist will be presenting an Endangered Species Act Update.

All this is in addition to Business & Marketing, Food Safety, Controlled Environment, High Tunnel and Vegetable tracks. PARP, CCH and CCA credits will be offered. Click here to view the full schedule.

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We hope to see you there!

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