Northern Pecan Growers seminar: September 17th, 2016
Pecans for the Back Yard or back 40 Commercial Grove.
Scottsburg High School, (Commons room)
Registration deadline August 30th 2016
Cost $20.00 includes catered lunch, seminar and tour of USDA cooperator test grove of named and experimental cultivars in production.
More information and registration:
Pay online or send to
Vaughn Family Pecan Farm
1208 W. Craig rd, Scottsburg,In. 46170
This seminar is the first to be held in Indiana and is being advertised by a number of groups and organizations that promote planting of nut trees as an alternative crop with emphasis on Northern United States
Purdue Wine Grape Team Fall Workshop: October 6, 2016 9 am to 4 pm
Meet at the Purdue Meigs Horticulture Research Farm for registration, coffee and networking. Board bus for transfer to Purdue West Lafayette campus, Nelson Hall of Food Science for program. Lunch provided (Bring a bottle of your wine to share). Return to Meigs Farm for vineyard tour at 2:30 pm.
For more details contact Jill Blume <> 765-494-1749 and watch for announcements in the Grape to Glass newsletter.
Indiana Horticultural Congress at the NEW LOCATION January 10-12, 2017
Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel, 7202 East 21st Street, Indianapolis, IN 46219.