Strawberry Growers: Navigating the Challenges of Neopestalotiopsis Disease If you’re expecting plug plants for your strawberry crops, you’ve likely heard about the emerging threat of Neopestalotiopsis disease. For those unfamiliar, I recommend reading Dr. Phil Brannen’s article, “Dramatic Neopestalotiopsis Disease in Strawberry Tips and Plug Plant Production Nurseries“ from the University of Georgia Extension. Recently,[Read More…]
A new strawberry disease has been found in Indiana and researchers are looking for samples to determine the extent of the problem. The disease, caused by a species of the fungus Neopestalotiopsis, has been reported in several southeastern states and other countries where it causes leafspots, fruit spots and a plant decline. In Indiana, the[Read More…]
A new strawberry disease has been found in Indiana and researchers are looking for samples to determine the extent of the problem. The disease, caused by a species of the fungus Neopestaltiopsis, has been reported in several southeastern states and other countries where it causes leafspots, fruit spots and a plant decline. In Indiana, the[Read More…]