Request (or vote!) for a fruit-insect topic you’d like to see in Facts for Fancy Fruit in 2024 – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Request (or vote!) for a fruit-insect topic you’d like to see in Facts for Fancy Fruit in 2024

Happy spring everyone, and I hope you’re all looking forward to another productive growing season in the Hoosier Heartland!

As I did last year, I’d like to invite our readers to suggest, or vote for, insect-related topics that you’d like to learn more about this year! I did receive a few helpful topics last year, but I’d sure love to hear from more of you regarding what you’d like to read and learn about. Whether it’s questions you have about insect identification, monitoring, management, or just an insect you’re curious about, I welcome your feedback!

I’ve created a 1-question poll using Google Forms with topics you can vote for, and note there’s a fill-in-the-blank option for you to suggest other ideas. You can click the link above to respond, or you can scan the QR code provided below.

Scan this QR code to vote for, or suggest a topic for Facts for Fancy Fruit this season!

QR code

If you’d like to weigh in, please respond to the poll by Wednesday, April 24th. I’ll use your feedback to decide which fruit insect topics I should write about for this season’s edition of Facts for Fancy Fruit.

If you are not able to access the poll, you can also email suggested topics to me at Thank you in advance for your feedback, and I look forward to providing articles that address the questions and curiosities that you have!


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