Early Season Grape Sprays – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Early Season Grape Sprays

Grapes are in the early stages of growth across the state, from bud break to pre-bloom. This is the most important time to maintain “preventative” control of the major grape diseases such as Phomopsis, black rot, powdery and downy mildew. Our general recommendation is to maintain good coverage with mancozeb through the early stages of growth. When vines reach the pre-bloom stage, addition of one of the demethylation inhibiting (DMI) fungicides in the FRAC 3 group greatly improves black rot control and provides powdery mildew control. Rally, Tebustar, Procure, and Mettle are common FRAC 3 fungicides. This group is systemic, thus very rainfast. There are a number of other options available, but this simple approach has been very effective in our trials.

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