Guide for U-pick producers / agritourism sites during the COVID-19 pandemic – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Guide for U-pick producers / agritourism sites during the COVID-19 pandemic

Spring’s arrival brings many wonderful experiences – including the opportunity for local consumers to pick farm-fresh produce onsite, learn more about local outlets through agritourism and enjoy time outdoors.
The U-Pick season, as it’s known, is just around the corner for strawberries, blueberries, cherries and more. Now is the time to implement best practices to maintain physical distancing, minimize community spread of COVID-19 and safely sell products.
These guidelines ( developed by Purdue Extension go hand in hand with Indian Governor Eric J. Holcomb’s executive order, as well as Purdue Extension COVID-19 resource articles for direct marketingfarmers’ markets, and more. U-Pick and agritourism activities are deemed essential due to their agricultural connection. Also, the North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association has summarized practices implemented by southern U.S. states – where U-Pick season has already started.

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