New Strawberry Disease – Facts for Fancy Fruit

New Strawberry Disease

A new strawberry disease has been found in Indiana and researchers are looking for samples to determine the extent of the problem. The disease, caused by a species of the fungus Neopestaltiopsis, has been reported in several southeastern states and other countries where it causes leafspots, fruit spots and a plant decline. In Indiana, the disease has been reported to cause a leafspot (Figure 1) and a plant decline.

Researchers are asking commercial growers who believe that they may have observed the disease to contact the Purdue University Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. The PPDL will waive sample handling fees for these samples until the researchers obtain the desired number of samples for the survey. Updates will be posted to the Hotline and to the PPDL website. Samples from multiple strawberry varieties and different types of production fields (matted row, plasticulture, high tunnel) are encouraged.

Information required for each sample:

  1. Strawberry variety
  2. Growing method: Matted row or plasticulture
  3. Location (state and county) where grown
  4. Approximate date of planting or year of matted row culture.
  5. Symptoms observed: Leaf spot, fruit rot, crown rot, or a combination of these.

This research will attempt to determine where the disease exists in Indiana and how the disease may be controlled. Results of these studies will be reported here when completed. The North American Strawberry Growers Association is sponsoring this research.


Figure 1. A leaf spot caused by Neopestaliopsis sp., a new strawberry disease to Indiana.

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Page last modified: April 22, 2021

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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