Oil Sprays – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Oil Sprays

One of the first and most important parts of a good insect and mite management program is the application of an early season oil spray to control European red mites, San Jose scale, and several species of aphids. Scales overwinter on the tree as nymphs and European red mites and aphids overwinter as eggs. Because two-spotted spider mites do not overwinter on the tree, oil sprays are not an effective control measure for that species. Although scales, European red mite eggs, and aphid eggs may appear to be inactive, they are living organisms and, therefore, must respire, or breathe. The application of the oil creates an impervious layer over the pests that will not allow the exchange of gases, causing the pest to die of suffocation. We have seen a resurgence of San Jose scale in recent years in some orchards. If you had scales on your fruit last fall, then a well-timed oil spray is highly recommended. Earlier oil sprays are more effective than late sprays for San Jose scale control.

Oil sprays should be applied between 1/2-inch green and tight cluster. Apply a 2% rate at the 1/2 inch green stage or a 1% rate at tight cluster. Oil sprays should not be applied during, immediately before, or immediately after freezing weather. For best results, apply when temperatures are 45oF or above, and not just before rain showers. Remember that oils are not directly toxic to the pests. They only work by suffocation. Therefore, the better the coverage, the better control you will receive. Our data have shown that mite control is improved if oil is applied at tight cluster rather than at 1/2 inch green.

One question that has arisen as a result of our research that showed that predator mites overwinter on the tree is: What effect will early season oil sprays have on predator populations? In other words, will the oil sprays kill the predators and create more serious European red mite populations? Our research showed that oil sprays, whether applied at green tip or tight cluster, had no detrimental effect on mite predators. Therefore, we recommend the use of early season oil sprays as a good management practice.

If you plan to use a preventive miticide this year, a reasonable question to ask is: Is it still necessary to apply an early season oil spray? I believe that the oil application is still a good idea, for two reasons. First, it will provide control of aphids and scales, as well as European red mites. Secondly, I believe that the use of oil will reduce the likelihood of developing resistance to these miticides. Therefore, I still recommend oil sprays even if other miticides are going to be used. The addition of an insecticide with your oil spray will give some increase in aphid control but will not improve control of mites or scales.

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Page last modified: April 28, 2016

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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