Spotted Lanternfly Nymphs Hatch Begins – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Spotted Lanternfly Nymphs Hatch Begins

As of March 2022, Indiana has one known county with a confirmed Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) population: Switzerland County (Figure 1).

Penn State University has created a SLF egg hatch prediction map that estimates the emergence of the first SLF instar based on temperature conditions (Figure 2). Please note: this map does not show where SLF currently exists, only hatch predictions to be used for early detection. Keep an eye out for older or hatched egg masses (Figure 3) or early instar nymphs. Newly hatched nymphs (first instar) are ~ 1/4 inch in length with black and white spots (Figure 4). Nymphs develop a red pigment with age (Figure 5). For more information on how to identify:

Anyone that spots signs of the spotted lanternfly should contact DEPP by calling 866-NO EXOTIC (866-663-9684) or send an email to For more information on this or other invasive pests see the following link

Figure 1. The current SLF distribution map (


Figure 2. SLF egg hatch prediction map (


Figure 3. SLF egg masses at various ages and coverings (


Figure 4. Spotted Lanternfly early instar nymph. Photo: L. Barringer, PA Dept. of Agriculture (


Spotted Lanternfly 4th instar nymph

Figure 5. Spotted lanternfly 4th instar nymph. Red pigment is acquired at this stage. Photo: Tim Weigle, NYSIPM

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Page last modified: May 26, 2022

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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