Strawberry Chat, April Episode Recording and May Episode Register – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Strawberry Chat, April Episode Recording and May Episode Register

Listen to Strawberry Chat Episode 2. The episode was recorded on April 6, 2022, it featured Dr. Bruce Bordelon talking about spring activities for the strawberry matted-row system.

Are you interested in participating live in the next strawberry chat? It will be 12:00 -1:00 pm, May 4, 2022. Our guests will be Dr. Janna Beckerman and Mr. Austin Pearson.
Janna is a plant pathologist from Purdue University. Janna will discuss spring disease management and a weather-based tool for disease forecast.
Austin is a climatologist from Midwestern Regional Climate Center. Austin will bring us climatologists’ insight on frost/freeze prediction.

Register for May strawberry Chat:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

All Strawberry Chat topics is available at 

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