Anthracnose disease in brambles – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Anthracnose disease in brambles

The most important spray of the season for control of anthracnose on brambles is the delayed dormant spray of lime sulfur, Sulforix or copper hydroxide. If you have a problem with anthracnose, this is one spray that you can’t afford to miss. One of these materials should be applied when new leaves are exposed 1/4 to 3/4 inches; if you are late in your application and don’t spray until a few leaves have unfolded, cut the rate to reduce the risk of leaf burn. See the 2019-2020 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide and the product labels for complete information on rates and timing

ID-465 Midwest Fruit Pest Spray Management Guide

ID-465 Midwest Fruit Pest Spray Management Guide

blackberry cane

Blackberry shoots about 1/4 inch long


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