Crop Conditions – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Crop Conditions

In southern areas, apples are in pink, but still at tight cluster in more northern areas. Peaches are still in the shuck in the south but only at half-inch green in the northern parts of the state. Grapes are at bud break to one inch shoots in the south, but still in the early to full swell stages central and north. The cool spell this past couple of weeks slowed development considerably. We have seen some minor bud damage, but not enough to affect yield. Bramble shoots are out 1 to 2 inches. Surprisingly, we have only minor damage in the Lafayette area. Regions further south were not affected much as brambles shoots are fairly tolerant to freezing temperatures. Blueberries do not appear to have been damaged by the temperatures experienced. Temperature figure

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Page last modified: April 28, 2016

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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