Japanese Beetles on Grapes and Berries – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Japanese Beetles on Grapes and Berries

Rick Foster noted in the previous issue that Japanese beetles were out. Wow are they ever! I haven’t seen them this bad in years.  Small fruit growers should monitor their crops and control the beetles if necessary. Japanese beetles will feed on ripening fruit of brambles and blueberries, and on foliage of all small fruit and grapes. Heavy beetle feeding can stunt young fruit plants that are not yet in production (and not receiving regular insecticide treatments). Fortunately, Japanese beetles are fairly easy to manage. Sevin or any of the pyrethroid insecticides will provide good control. Organic growers can spray neem, which acts as a repellent. Several applications may be required. Grape growers should note that Sevin has an extended 6 day Re-Entry Interval (REI) when shoot positioning, etc. so Assail, Baythroid, Brigade, Danitol, or Mustang Maxx might be better options. (Note that the table on page 99 of the spray guide is incorrect. Read the label!)

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