Let’s Talk (Online) Turkey – Hoosier Young Farmer Coalition announces webinar series – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Let’s Talk (Online) Turkey – Hoosier Young Farmer Coalition announces webinar series


Small farmers are moving loads of product via online sales. Let’s talk about how, what’s working, and what you need to sell online amid a pandemic.
Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition is hosting farmer-to-farmer webinars. Each one will feature a different farmer sharing the tools that are being used to sell online.

About these Events
You’re probably already adapting to online sales amid this pandemic. But if you’d like to talk about how it’s going, see what tools other farmers are using, discuss best practices (on the front end, back end, or in between), and share ideas, then we’ve got a space for you. Join the Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition each week, now – mid June. Each time, a different farmer from Indiana will talk about their experiences moving to online sales and what they’ve learned.

Sessions will be Wednesdays at Noon Eastern and Thursdays at 7:00 PM Eastern starting May 27. We’ll meet via Zoom (or you can call in) and of course it’s free. The link to each meeting will be sent out one hour prior to the start of the meeting (we’ll send it to the email you use to register).

Click here to sign up (it’s free!) for sessions with these fantastic farmers (two more to be announced!):

  • Wednesday, June 3rd at Noon Eastern. Chat with Zach Hawkins, J.L. Hawkins Famly Farm about how they are using Square for their store and Harvie for CSA Management.
  • Thursday, June 4th at 7:00 PM Eastern. Chat with Roger and Mary Winstead, Beautiful Edibles Grow about using FarmersWeb and Market Wagon – Evansville.
  • Wednesday, June 10th at Noon Eastern. TBD.
  • Thursday, June 11th at 7:00 PM Eastern. Chat with Mike Record, New Ground Farm about Square and Local Food Marketplace (Bloomington city market).
  • Wednesday, June 17th at Noon Eastern. Chat with Joseph Fischer, Fischer Farms Natural Foods, LLC about using Grazecart.
  • Thursday, June 18th at 7:00 PM Eastern. TBD.​

For more information, contact Hoosier Young Farmer Coalition at info@hoosieryfc.org.

For further resources visit:  https://www.purdue.edu/dffs/

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