SelectMax® Label Change Allows for Applications in Bearing Pome Fruits – Facts for Fancy Fruit

SelectMax® Label Change Allows for Applications in Bearing Pome Fruits

The newest version of the SelectMax® herbicide label includes a change relevant to the state’s fruit growers.  Previously limited to applications in non-bearing pome fruit crops, the newest label allows applications to be made to bearing pome fruits.  The active ingredient in SelectMax® is clethodim, one of the commonly used grass-selective herbicides.  Pome crops covered by the new label include commonly grown crops apple, pear, and Asian pear along with less commonly grown crops azarole, crabapple, loquat, mayhaw, medlar, quince, Chinese quince, Japanese quince, and tejocote.  The maximum application rate is 16 fluid oz/acre with a maximum total use of 64 fluid oz/acre in a single year.  Include a non-ionic surfactant at 0.25% of the total mix volume (1 qt surfactant per 100 gallons of solution) and apply to actively growing grass weeds.  SelectMax® will not control broadleaf weeds or sedges.  Do not mow the targeted grass for two weeks prior to and two weeks after application.  Do not tank-mix with contact herbicides (for example glufosinate, paraquat, etc.) which could reduce uptake and translocation.  Applications should be directed below the crop canopy within the weed-free strip (herbicide strip).  The pre-harvest interval is 14 days.  Always read and follow all label directions.

Select Max Label


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Page last modified: May 19, 2020

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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