Strawberry Plug Production at Kube-Pak – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Strawberry Plug Production at Kube-Pak

I visited Kube-Pak (Allentown, NJ) during North American Strawberry Growers Summer Tour. Kube-Pak wholesales bedding plants, plugs, potted plants and more. Our visit is at Kube-Pak’s peak time of strawberry business. Mr. Rob Swanekamp showed us the steps of growing strawberry plugs, from tip production to shipping. The strawberry plugs’ shipping date starts in mid-July and last until the end of September. The relatively early shipping date would provide a great opportunity for Indiana strawberry farmers interested in growing strawberries with plasticulture system.

The steps of growing strawberry plugs at Kube-Pak (Allentown, NJ)

The steps of growing strawberry plugs at Kube-Pak (Allentown, NJ)

A. Tips are harvested from mother plants grown in hanging baskets in greenhouses. The mother plants were established from bare-root plants. The process started in April and lasted for about 20 weeks. B. Harvested tips were placed into 50-cell trays with moisture potting soil. C. The newly potted tips were grown in the misting area for 10 days. D. The plants have well-developed root system in three weeks. E. Workers check every tray and every plant for quality control. F. Trays are individually packed and ready to ship.

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