A number of growers have experienced increasing problems with woolly apple aphids over the last several seasons. Part of the reason for the increased populations may be related to the changing spectrum of insecticides you are using to control other pests. Our experience has been that many of the aphicides that are available that provide excellent control of other aphids are not producing good results with woolly apple aphids. After checking with several of my colleagues in other states, it appears that most growers are getting good to excellent results by applying Lorsban as a prebloom spray. Applying Lorsban prior to bloom used to be a common practice for many growers but some have gone away from it in recent years. If you have had significant woolly apple aphid problems, it would be a good idea to incorporate this application into your spray schedule. Lorsban was scheduled for cancellation, but the new administration has reversed that decision, so this product should be available for a while.