Crop Conditions – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Crop Conditions

Fruit crops are finally starting to grow in the Lafayette area after a few days of warmer weather. Apples are at 1/2 inch green to tight cluster. Peaches have 1/2 inch vegetative shoots. There are no live flower buds in our planting. Cherries are at swollen bud. Early grapes varieties are at swell. Raspberries have 1 inch green shoots, but we have significant winter injury in most varieties. Blackberries floricanes are killed to the ground on all varieties, and a few primocanes are beginning to emerge. Strawberry leaves are unfolded and flower buds are visible in some crowns. Paw paw flower buds are fully swollen. Currants and gooseberries are nearing bloom. Dandelions are blooming and grass row middles are starting to grow. It’s beginning to look a little like spring!

In southern areas of the state, peaches are in bloom and apples are starting to think about blooming. In more northern areas, peaches are about half-inch green. Apples in the south are just starting to flower but in more northern areas we’re approaching tight cluster.



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