Apples are 1-1/2 inch to 2 inch size where you can find them. There is plenty of scarring on fruit from the freeze. Apple scab is also common in unsprayed blocks. Pawpaw fruit are sizing and Phyllostica leaf spot is showing up.
Grapes are at cluster close/berry touch so berries should no longer be susceptible to black rot, powdery or downy mildews, though late season rots are still a possibility. Most grape varieties have a very small crop. Those with a full crop include Frontenac noir, gris and blanc, Petite Pearl, Crimson Pearl, Verona, and Itasca. A few others have a half crop or so. Varieties with low crops are showing excess vigor and shoot positioning will be very important to manage canopies to assure fruitful buds next year. I found the first symptoms of downy mildew this week, and Japanese beetles are present but not at damaging levels. Spray intervals can be lengthened and weekly scouting for leaf diseases and insect pests should continue. We made an application last week to control potato leaf hopper as they were at very high levels. Highly sensitive varieties are showing very mild 2,4-D injury.
Summer bearing red and black raspberries are ripening and there is considerable freeze damage showing up on floricanes. Flowers on primocane fruiting types are just showing on the early varieties. Japanese beetles and potato leafhoppers are prevalent. The last of the black currants and gooseberries are being harvested. Elderberries are in full bloom.