Crop Conditions – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Crop Conditions

Grapes are at early to mid-version across most parts of the state, which is about normal timing. There are few disease and insect problems at this stage due to the relatively dry June and early July. However, if we continue to get rainfall as we have experienced lately, expect some berry cracking and potential sour rot problems. Recall from the presentation at Hort Congress by Dr. Megan Hall a couple of years ago that managing fruit flies is critical to controlling sour rot. There are several options listed in the spray guide. Addition of Oxidate or Fracture to suppress yeasts and bacteria will also help. An upcoming webinar August 11 “Biology and management of post-veraison fruit rots” will cover the latest research and recommendations. Register here:–tpjgiGdQdY3QLFP1g2FHWDfxCbkkp

Apples are sizing up normally. There is a light crop on some varieties, a decent crop on a few, and almost no crop on most. Summer bearing blackberry continues and primocane fruiting varieties are sizing up quickly. I expect some red coloration on our Black Magic this week in Lafayette. It is among the earliest of the PF types for us. PF red and black raspberries are starting to ripen as well. Blueberry harvest continues.



Summer bearing “Ouachita” blackberries


Frontenac gris in early veraison

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