All of our crops at the Meigs Horticulture Farm in Lafayette, Indiana are maturing very nicely. The warm nights have helped fruit size up in the last two weeks. We have seen high thrip populations on all fruit trees, although they don’t seem to be doing much damage. This week the Japanese beetles decided to show up all at once. They are covering our brambles and doing a lot of damage to the leaves. We have plums, red raspberries, and blackberries, all ripening this week and they’re delicious! Most of the fruit on the apple trees are starting to change colors. No disease pressure at this point. We will continue completing cover sprays in hopes of not seeing any diseases this year.
- Apple (Pixie Crunch): Maturation
- Grapes: Berry Touch/ Bunch Closure
- Pear: Maturation
- Peach: Maturation
- Plum: Maturation
- Apple (Rosalee): Maturation
- Paw Paw: Maturation
- Aronia: Maturation
- Blackberry: Green fruit to ripe fruit
- Black Currant: Ready to harvest