Early season sprays for grapes – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Early season sprays for grapes

There are some potential pest and disease problems that require early season sprays. Phomopsis is a major problem on many grape varieties in the Midwest. Mancozeb should be applied starting at 1-3 inch shoots and repeated each 7-10 days, especially prior to a predicted rain event. Colleagues in Michigan and Ohio have been conducting evaluations of dormant fungicide applications for management of this disease. Liquid lime sulfur, Sulforix, and fixed copper (copper hydroxide) have proven to be most effective. A single application at bud swell can provide a significant degree of Phomopsis control (a 50 to 60 percent decrease in disease severity on the grape leaves as well as clusters), but will not reduce the need for the standard recommended fungicide sprays for Phomopsis control during the growing season. It is important to recognize that sanitation is part of a Phomopsis management plan. Prune out dead canes and stubs as much as possible since they are the main sources of Phomopsis spores.

Anthracnose is a less common disease, but one that we are seeing more frequently. This may be due to warmer weather or susceptibility of new varieties. We have seen that Frontenac and Marquette are very susceptible to anthracnose. The delayed-dormant lime sulfur or Sulforix sprays are very effective against anthracnose. While sulfur and copper can be toxic to certain varieties, there is minimal chance of phytotoxicity if the products are applied at bud swell, just prior to bud break.

Grape Flea beetle and climbing cutworm can be problems in vineyards. Grape flea beetle is more common in Indiana. Scout vineyards for this pest and its damage, holes eaten into swelling buds. If more than 4% of the buds show damage, apply an insecticide to prevent further damage. Carbaryl (Sevin) is generally recommended, but other options are available.

See the 2016 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide (https://ag.purdue.edu/hla/Hort/Pages/sfg_sprayguide.aspx ) and Midwest Small Fruit Pest Management Handbook for a complete discussion of grape pest management.

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Page last modified: April 28, 2016

Facts for Fancy Fruit - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907

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