Spotted Lanternfly – Be on the Lookout – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Spotted Lanternfly – Be on the Lookout

pretty colored moth

Spotted Lanternfly adult






This is the time of year to keep an eye out for the adult version of the Spotted Lanternfly. See a fact sheet at   This is an extremely serious pest of a wide range of woody plants. It has caused serious damage in grapes, apples, peaches, plums, blueberries, etc. The team from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources is currently working with some of the vineyards in Indiana to survey for signs of this insect. But we want to spread the word to keep an eye out for this insect in other fruit plantings as well.  Some of the east coast states have started seeing adult stages of SLF already this year and soon they will be swarming. Be on the lookout and please contact the IDNR if you see anything suspicious, but especially if you see signs of this insect pest. Contact the IDNR Department of Entomology at (866) NO EXOTIC or (866) 663-9684.

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