Crop Conditions – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Crop Conditions

Grapes are at the 8-10 inch shoot stage in southern Indiana and 6 inches or less in northern Indiana. Brambles are blooming in the south and approaching first bloom in central and northern areas. Blueberries are at petal fall to full bloom across the state.

There are a few reports of damage to grapes and berry crops around the state from the frost event that occurred on May 5-6. Temperatures were mostly in the the low 30s, but low lying areas got a bit colder. Growers report some shoot tip death on grapes and bramble primocanes, and strawberry and blueberry flowers.

There are also some reports of herbicide drift injury in fruit crops. The rain over the past couple of weeks has mostly stalled field work and will put pressure on row crop farmers to get the rest of their fields planted as soon as soils dry out. That could lead to spraying under less than ideal conditions, which can lead to drift problems. If you suspect damage from pesticide drift, contact the Indiana State Chemist Office at 800-893-6637.

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