“During the past few years considerable complaint has been made in this state of the loss of apples through rotting.” George P. Clinton, 1902. It’s been quite a season for rot. High temperatures, coupled with regular rains created a perfect storm of summer rots. If you were one of the orchards with problems, you need[Read More…]
We have just finished harvesting Pixie crunch from our plantings at the Purdue Meigs farm and the more I see this apple, the more I like it. Although we think of this as a relatively new apple, the original cross was made 45 years ago at Rutgers University and it was selected from a planting[Read More…]
Purdue Wine Grape Team Fall Workshop, October 6, 2016 9 am to 4 pm Dear Indiana Wine Friends, There is still time to register for our Fall Workshop on Thursday, October 6 at Purdue University. This year’s Fall Workshop is designed for novice and seasoned wine growers and makers alike, and will provide an update on the most[Read More…]
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