Adapted from IDNR Press release and Purdue Landscape Report The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) has been found in Indiana A homeowner in Vevay, IN contacted DNR’s Division of Entomology & Plant Pathology (DEPP) last week with a picture of a red immature stage near their home. DEPP staff surveyed the site and discovered an infestation[Read More…]
Freeze: There really isn’t much that can be added to the wonderful and unfortunately timely article about Frost. Critical Temperatures and Frost Protection by Rob Crassweller at With a frost to freeze expected to cover most of the state on April 21 and 22, there will certainly be crop damage and loss (Fig. 1).[Read More…]
Due to the COVID crisis, most Purdue Extension meetings will be held virtually. Most Purdue Extension staff are working from home and are available to answer your questions by email, phone or through social media. Our contact information is at the end of the newsletter. September 10-12, 2020 Purdue Extension Master Gardener State Conference Sponsored[Read More…]
Due to the COVID crisis, most Purdue Extension meetings will be held virtually. Most Purdue Extension staff are working from home and are available to answer your questions by email, phone or through social media. Our contact information is at the end of the newsletter. September 10-12, 2020 Purdue Extension Master Gardener State Conference Sponsored[Read More…]
Due to the COVID crisis, most Purdue Extension meetings will be held virtually. Most Purdue Extension staff are working from home and are available to answer your questions by email, phone or through social media. Our contact information is at the end of the newsletter. July 30, 2020 Small Farm Education Field Day and Webinar[Read More…]
Due to the COVID crisis, most Purdue Extension meetings will be held virtually. Most Purdue Extension staff are working from home and are available to answer your questions by email, phone or through social media. Our contact information is at the end of the newsletter. July 30, 2020 Small Farm Education Field Day and Webinar[Read More…]
Due to the COVID crisis, all Purdue Extension meetings have been cancelled through June. After July 1, in-person meetings may be held and will follow state and local guidelines. Most Purdue Extension staff are working from home and we are available to answer your questions by email, phone or through social media. Our contact information[Read More…]
The summer meeting is going ahead on June 30, but we’re changing the format from in-person to a virtual meeting. Again this year we will have a combined meeting with the vegetable growers and farm marketers. We will be hosted by Beasley’s Orchard, Danville IN. Beasley’s management consists of a vibrant young team comprising Calvin[Read More…]
Due to the COVID crisis, all Purdue Extension meetings have been cancelled through June. After July 1, in-person meetings may be held and will follow state and local guidelines. Most Purdue Extension staff are working from home and we are available to answer your questions by email, phone or through social media. Our contact information[Read More…]