Crop Conditions – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Crop Conditions

Apples fruits, where you can find them are about 1.5 inches in diameter. We have a very light to no crop on varieties in Lafayette. Grapes are past shatter for the most part, but there is a lot of late blooms on shoots from latent buds. The Minnesota varieties have a good crop as do the Tom Plocher varieties Petite Pearl, Crimson Pearl and Verona. Most others will have a very light crop if anything. Red raspberries are ripening, but we have a very light crop due to the freezes. Black raspberries look okay. Niwot in particular looks excellent and some floricane fruit are starting to turn red. Blackberries, as mentioned in the last issue were severely damaged by the freeze and cane blight so there will be no floricane crop. It is time to tip primocanes in blackberries and black raspberries. Goose berries and currants are ripe.


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