Grape harvest has began in the southern part of the state and will begin in central areas over the next week or so. Early varieties are nearing full maturity while late varieties are just at, or not yet at veraison. Overall fruit quality looks excellent. Apple harvest continues. Summer varieties are mostly done and early fall varieties are almost ready. Primocane fruiting blackberry harvest continues into its second week on Black magic, with APF-45 not yet ready. First crop of Heritage and Caroline primocane fruiting raspberries are ripening this week. Pressure from spotted wing Drosophila and Japanese beetles in brambles is still very high and growers should continue control measures. Incidence of white drupelet disorder is common due to the high temperatures this year. Strawberry plantings are under considerable stress from heat and lack of moisture. Irrigation is highly recommended especially as fruit bud development nears.
- Chambourcin grapes just beginning veraison
- Traminette grapes are at veraison
- Marquette grapes near full harvest maturity
- Zestar apples ready to harvest
- Silken apples ready to harvest
- Black Magic primocane fruiting blackberry at harvest
- Heritage raspberries at harvest