Grape harvest continues across the state. Overall fruit quality has been excellent, but maintaining that quality with all the rain recently is challenging. Thin skinned varieties have fruit cracking and rot problems. Primocane fruiting blackberry harvest continues into its fourth week on Black magic, with APF-45 just getting started. Heritage and Caroline primocane fruiting raspberries are struggling through the heat and rain. Gray mold, spotted wing Drosophila and Japanese beetles are major concerns in brambles and growers should continue control measures. Apple harvest continues. Summer varieties are done and early fall varieties are being harvested.
- Foch grapes almost ready to pick.
- Noiret grapes are in good shape.
- Vidal grapes, with their tough skin, are in good shape.
- Steuben grapes are in good shape.
- Honeycrisp apple near harvest.
- Red Delicious apples near harvest.
- APF-45 primocane fruiting blackberries. First harvest.