Dicamba Public Comment Period and Hearing – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Dicamba Public Comment Period and Hearing

The Office of the Indiana State Chemist has filed a Notice of Intent to Adopt a New Rule that will make most dicamba containing herbicides Restricted Use Products (RUP). This designation will allow the OISC to track sales of those herbicides. As many specialty crop growers know, dicamba is one of the growth regulator herbicides know for off-target damage due to volatility and sensitivity of many fruit crops such as grapes and raspberries, as well as vegetable crops such as tomatoes and melons. New herbicide tolerant soybeans are being grown this season and dicamba will be used over the top of those beans, post-emergent, to control broadleaf weeds. Newer dicamba herbicides registered for use on these beans are less volatile that the older formulations, but still have potential for off-target damage if used incorrectly. There is also concern that older, more volatile formulations will be used by some growers, despite Technical Use Agreements prohibiting that use.

OISC has opened the public comment period as of June 7, and plan to hold a public hearing on July 6 in Lafayette. See the OISC website at: http://www.oisc.purdue.edu/pesticide/index.html for details. Click on the News Alerts link to see the list of rules and scroll down to the Proposed section to see the Notice of Intent to Adopt a New Rule (LSA#17-180). Growers with concerns should submit their comments on the proposed rule to David Scott at scottde@purdue.edu


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