Purdue Extension Events – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Purdue Extension Events

June 25, 2019 Indiana Horticultural Society Summer Meeting
Co-sponsored by Indiana Vegetable Growers’ Association
Huber Orchard & Winery, Starlight, IN
You are warmly welcomed to join us for the summer meeting of the Indiana Horticultural Society, held in conjunction with the Indiana Vegetable Growers’ Association. It will be held Tuesday June 25 at Huber Orchard and Winery, in Starlight, IN. Huber’s is one of the largest and best agri-tourism destinations in the Midwest. The meeting will focus on commercial production of fruits and vegetables, and farm marketing. All those interested are welcome to attend.

Schedule (subject to change)
(all Eastern Daylight Time):

Tuesday, June 25

9:30 am    Convene and registration at Huber Orchard and Winery.

10:00 am  Introductions, brief walking tour of facilities – winery, market, icecream    store, banquet hall

10:30 am  Field tour – apples

11:45 pm Lunch – $10 – RSVP requested (see below)

1:00 pm    Field tours – peaches, vegetables, small fruit

4:00 pm    Wrap up and conclude

Optional winery and distillery tour for those interested

A registration fee of $5.00 per family or farm is payable at registration.

More details https://fff.hort.purdue.edu/article/indiana-horticultural-society-summer-meeting/

June 27, 2019 Southwest Purdue Ag Center Field Day
Southwest Purdue Ag Center
Contact Barb Joyner, joynerb@purdue.edu
Horticultural related topics include: Organic Tomato Production, High Tunnel Grafted Cucumber & Specialty Melon Production, Applying IPM Principles across Cropping Systems to Increase Insect Pollination and Profitability, Annual Strawberry Production. A meal will be included, and PARP classes also will be available after lunch. To register, email joynerb@purdue.edu, call 812-886-0198, or go online at https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8pnF8z1CwyglrGl by Monday, June 17.

July 9, 2019 Turf & Landscape Field Day
Daniel Turf Center, West Lafayette, IN
The Purdue Turf and Landscape Field Day is an annual one-day event with the objective of providing professional turf and landscape managers exposure and educational opportunities with the latest research and technical resources. The Field Day features research tours, afternoon workshops on current topics, and a tradeshow with over 40 exhibitors displaying equipment and turf and landscape products.

July 18, 2019 Meigs High Tunnel Field Day
Purdue Meigs Farm
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown, ljollybr@purdue.edu
The field day at Meigs Horticulture Farm, presented by the Horticulture Department and the Department of Entomology, will focus on high tunnel production of cucurbit crops. It will feature tours of conventional and hydroponic high tunnel cucumber and melon production. The use of insect-exclusion screens to control cucumber beetles and bacterial wilt will be on display in the conventional high tunnel systems. Vegetable grafting and future research in tomato systems will be presented. Attendees will also have an opportunity to discuss current challenges and future directions of research areas for high tunnel production systems.

August 1, 2019 Small Farm Ed Field Day
Daniel Turf Center, Purdue Student Farm
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown, ljollybr@purdue.edu
The Small Farm Education Field Day presented by Horticulture & Landscape Architecture will have classroom educational sessions at the Daniel Turf Center followed with lunch catered by Juniper Spoon at the Purdue Student Farm. Tours, workshops and vendors!
Rototiller vs. power harrow demonstration

High tunnel tomato and pepper production

Solar dryers for post-harvest processing of fruits, vegetables

Wash pack demonstration

Food safety plans and certification process for gardeners

Dynamic enterprise budgets

Scheduling crops in high tunnels

Cover crop choices

Soil restoration in urban farms

September 5, 2019 Hydroponics & Greenhouse workshop
Purdue University, Deans auditorium, HLA greenhouse
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown, ljollybr@purdue.edu
Participants will learn about optimal conditions for growing hydroponic lettuce, including nutrient recipes, production systems, artificial lighting practices and optimal temperatures for lettuce. Workshop attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the department’s greenhouse and hydroponic facilities where several hands-on activities will take place. Krishna Nemali, professor of controlled environment agriculture, will lead the workshop. Nemali’s research centers on enhancing sustainable growing practices in controlled environments, like greenhouse and indoor vertical farms.

October 17, 2019 Indiana Flower Growers association conference
Purdue University, Daniel Turf Center
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown, ljollybr@purdue.edu
Horticulturists and greenhouse operators will have an opportunity to network with industry experts and Purdue Extension specialists. Educational sessions to include technology and automation, electrical conductivity sensors, marketplace opportunities, greenhouse production, worker production standards, as well as networking with other flower growers across the state.

February 11-13, 2020 Indiana Horticultural Congress
Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel:
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown, ljollybr@purdue.edu
The Indiana Horticultural Congress, presented by Purdue University, is an educational meeting designed to meet the needs of fruit, vegetable, wine, organics, greenhouse, high tunnel, specialty crop growers and marketers in Indiana and surrounding states. Over 500 registrants and more than 70 vendors attend each year.

February 11-13, 2020 Indiana Green Expo
Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN
Indiana’s largest, most comprehensive green industry event of the year!
Offering over 75 educational seminars plus a Spanish track, certification opportunities,
in-depth workshops, numerous CEUs and CCHs to be earned, and a two-day trade show!


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