New Fruit Pest Management Guide Available – Facts for Fancy Fruit

New Fruit Pest Management Guide Available

The 2016 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide (ID-465) is available for purchase from the Purdue Education Store. This publication replaces two previous annual publications: The Midwest Tree Fruit Spray Guide (ID-168) and The Midwest Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide (ID-169). This guide provides pest management recommendations for commercial tree fruit, small fruit, and grape producers in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. These recommendations have been formulated to provide up-to-date information on pesticides and their application. Your Fruit Team at Purdue is responsible for getting this publication revised, printed and distributed each year. But it is a team effort with colleagues from several different states through the Midwest Fruit Workers Group. In this day of reduced budgets, we are fortunate to still have the ability to provide this information to growers.

The guide is available in print form for $15. It can be ordered from the Ed store at

A PDF version is also available for download at .

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