Upcoming Events – Facts for Fancy Fruit

Upcoming Events

May 7, 2018 Purdue Wine Grape Team “From Grape to Glass”
Byler Lane Winery 5858 County Road 35, Auburn, IN 46706
Contact Jill Blume blume@purdue.edu

June 26, 2018 Indiana Hort Society Summer Field Day
Garwood Orchard, LaPorte, IN
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown ljollybr@ purdue.edu

October 17, 2018 Indiana Flower Growers Conference
Daniel Turf Center
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown ljollybr@ purdue.edu

January 8, 2019 Illiana Vegetable Growers Symposium.
Teibel’s Family Restaurant, Schererville, IN
Contact Liz Maynard emaynard@purdue.edu

February 12-14, 2019 Indiana Hort Congress.
Indianapolis Marriott East
Indianapolis, IN
Contact Lori Jolly-Brown, ljollybr@purdue.edu or 765-494-1296


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