The news of the disastrous drought and extreme heat in the western United States (US) have local folks wondering if Indiana might be next. The latest release of the US Drought Monitor map (Figure 1) shows the exceptional drought in the western states as well as the expansion of extreme and exceptional drought in the[Read More…]
Now is the time to start thinking about leaf removal in grapevines. Cluster zone leaf removal can lower risk of disease, increase spray penetration and even improve fruit quality. The period immediately after bloom to 3 weeks post-bloom is the most effective time for leaf removal. Leaf pulling after this time can increase the risk[Read More…]
Frogeye leaf spot, caused by the fungal pathogen, Botryosphaeria obtusa, has been quite prevalent this year, probably due to the combination of potential (and realized) crop loss and our cool, wet spring. This is the same fungus that causes cankers on the tree, along with black rot of apple fruit (Fig. 1). Frogeye leaf spot[Read More…]
In Indiana, strawberry is traditionally grown as a perennial crop using a matted-row system, in which strawberry bare-root plants (Figure 1) are planted in spring on bare soil. Each year, fruit is harvested from mother plants and daughter plants that are derived from established runners in the past year. Strawberries can also be grown using[Read More…]
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