The latest release of the U.S. Drought Monitor has expanded and intensified drought status across Indiana (Figure 1). This map reflects conditions through early this past Tuesday (July 5th) morning, as heavy rainfall was tracking across the northeastern counties. Probabilities of rainfall continue across the state over the next several days, but the challenge is[Read More…]
Crop loss in 2020 and 2021 led many growers to greatly reducing their fungicide applications, or use just captan or mancozeb, which, although effective against scab, are not effective against powdery mildew. Coupled with our unusually dry weather, this has led to a build-up of powdery mildew (PM) inoculum, and continued management issues surrounding this[Read More…]
I hope the growing season is going well for all fruit producers! My team and several grower collaborators (thank you!) have been monitoring fruit insect pests this season in apple and blueberry, including codling moth, spotted-wing drosophila, and brown marmorated stink bugs. So, for this issue of Facts for Fancy Fruit I thought I would[Read More…]
Tissue analysis is the most reliable means of determining plant nutritional status. Combined with soil testing, tissue analysis can help pinpoint the source of problems and determine what measures may be needed to ensure proper nutrition of the crop. Tissue analysis samples should be collected at the appropriate time to give the most meaningful results.[Read More…]
We discussed insect pests and weed control during renovation in this episode. Our special guests are Drs. Stephen Meyers, Samantha Willden, and Mr. David Doud. Steve and Sam are researchers from Purdue. Steve is the weed scientist in the Horticulture department; Sam is a postdoc researcher in the entomology department. David is the owner of[Read More…]
Insects provide an important pollination service in many crops including strawberry. Although strawberry flowers can self-pollinate without insects, it is well known that supplemental pollination by insects can result in better formed and larger fruit. Therefore, pollination services in strawberry affects both quantity (berry size) and quality (berry shape) of yield. By evaluating strawberry fruit[Read More…]
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