-Entomology Specialists from Purdue (Dr. Elizabeth Long) and the USDA ARS (Dr. Tracy Leskey, West Virginia) will be presenting a spotted lanternfly update, tools for dealing with plum curculio, a spotted wing drosophila update and ‘how to’ session on the setup of fruit insect monitoring traps. -Tree Fruit Specialist, Peter Hirst, will be presenting an[Read More…]
A population of spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) was first identified in Indiana in July 2021 in Switzerland County. Since then, populations have been found in Huntington, Elkhart, St. Joseph, Delkab, Porter, Allen and Noble counties. Many of these newly found sightings have been on tree of heaven (it’s preferred host) along rail lines, and it[Read More…]
Tissue analysis is the most reliable means of determining plant nutritional status. Combined with soil testing, tissue analysis can help pinpoint the source of problems and determine what measures may be needed to ensure proper nutrition of the crop. Tissue analysis samples should be collected at the appropriate time to give the most meaningful results.[Read More…]
Shoot Thinning The optimum shoot density is 5-6 shoots per foot of row. Thinning to this density can help reduce shading, adjust the crop, lower the risk of disease and improve spray penetration. The optimal time for shoot thinning is before the shoots reach 12 inches. Removing the shoots may be more difficult once they’ve[Read More…]
The Blueberry Growers of Indiana 2024 Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, June 17 at Blueberry Ranch (54743 Buckeye Road Mishawaka, IN 46545). The farm tour will begin at 4:00 PM EST. The main part of the meal, along with drinks and paper products will be supplied. Please bring a side dish or dessert[Read More…]
A new episode of the Strawberry Chat podcast is available. In this episode, we talked with Dr. Marvin Pritts from Cornell University. We discussed the new edition of the Strawberry Production Guide for the Northeast, Midwest, and Eastern Canada. Dr. Marvin introduced us to the plasticulture day-neutral strawberry product system he has been researching recently.[Read More…]
2024 OISC Clean Sweep Pesticide Disposal WHAT: An OISC Clean Sweep Pesticide Disposal Program designed to collect and dispose of suspended, canceled, banned, unusable, opened, unopened or just unwanted pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, miticides, etc.) is being sponsored by the Office of Indiana State Chemist (OISC). This disposal service is free of charge up[Read More…]
The Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive planthopper native to East Asia. It was introduced to the US in 2014 in Eastern Pennsylvania and has since spread to 13 other states including Indiana. The Spotted Lanternfly has 70+ host species including the invasive Tree of heaven (Alianthus altissma), grapes, apples, stone fruit, vegetables, hops, walnuts and[Read More…]
2023 OISC Clean Sweep Pesticide Disposal Information Form WHAT: An OISC Clean Sweep Pesticide Disposal Program designed to collect and dispose of suspended, canceled, banned, unusable, opened, unopened or just unwanted pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, miticides, etc.) is being sponsored by the Office of Indiana State Chemist (OISC). This disposal service is free of[Read More…]