First, my apologies for sending this out late. This was a relatively early year for strawberries and by now, most harvest is over. As soon as harvest is done, it’s time to begin the renovation process. Matted row strawberry plantings must be renovated each year to establish new crowns for the following year’s crop. For[Read More…]
Indiana Pesticide Clean Sweep Project is designed to collect and dispose of suspended, canceled, banned, unusable, opened, unopened or just unwanted pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, miticides, etc.). It is sponsored by the Office of the Indiana State Chemist, with support from the U.S. EPA. The disposal service is free of charge up to 250[Read More…]
Japanese beetles are out and feeding. I saw a large population on the raspberries at the Meigs Farm on Monday. Although this pest isn’t as severe as it was a number of years ago, it can still cause plenty of problems. Small fruit growers should monitor their crops and control the beetles if necessary. Japanese[Read More…]
We have not yet heard any reports of damage from spotted wing drosophila. Our short history with this pest is that damage will commence in early July. Growers should have their SWD traps in place now. Spraying should begin when the first SWD is caught in a trap or the first damage is observed. Because[Read More…]
Although I have not received any reports of problems with European red mites in apples, now is the time when growers should be scouting for infestations. Most growers know where mite problems show up first, either a particular variety (i.e, Red Delicious) or along a gravel road. Check those spots first and expand your scouting[Read More…]
Indiana Horticultural Society Field Day June 28, 2017 Tuttle Orchards 5717 North 300 West Greenfield IN 46140 Wednesday, June 28 9:00am-4:00 pm Joe Becovitz-Office of State Chemist: worker protection standards Fruit Production: tour of apple plantings including new orchards planted in 2014. Vegetable Production: tour of vegetable crop plantings, high tunnels, and chemical storage facilities.[Read More…]
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