July temperatures averaged 1◦F above normal but had a couple of periods of extreme heat. Twelve stations recorded maximum temperatures in excess of 100◦F. Portions of the month were cooler than normal, which gave way to warmer temperatures again in the last week of July. The heat and humidity continued during the first week of[Read More…]
Another warning for severe brown rot of stone fruits (apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum) (Fig. 1). Warm, wet, humid weather at harvest is particularly favorable for this fungal disease. Also, as fruit softens during the ripening process, it becomes much more susceptible to brown rot. Carefully picking and handling fruit to avoid injuries prevents infection[Read More…]
A Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) population was found in Huntington, Indiana. This is the second population in the state in addition to what was found in Vevay, Indiana in July 2021. It is possible for SLF to be anywhere in Indiana. At this time of year, the insects are at their most recognizable stage as colorful[Read More…]
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