Hello MAC-T and Midwest Climate Hub subscribers, “Warm temperatures this week will be followed by several days of freezing chances this weekend into early next week. This could have one or more nights with freezing and lows well into the 20s in northern areas.” The Midwest Climate Hub alongside our partners have put together an informational briefing helping to[Read More…]
September 5, 2019 Hydroponics & Greenhouse workshop Purdue University, Deans auditorium, HLA greenhouse Contact Lori Jolly-Brown, ljollybr@purdue.edu Participants learned about optimal conditions for growing hydroponic lettuce, including nutrient recipes, production systems, artificial lighting practices and optimal temperatures for lettuce. Workshop attendees had the opportunity to tour the department’s greenhouse and hydroponic facilities where several hands-on[Read More…]
September 5, 2019 Hydroponics & Greenhouse workshop Purdue University, Deans auditorium, HLA greenhouse Contact Lori Jolly-Brown, ljollybr@purdue.edu Participants will learn about optimal conditions for growing hydroponic lettuce, including nutrient recipes, production systems, artificial lighting practices and optimal temperatures for lettuce. Workshop attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the department’s greenhouse and hydroponic facilities[Read More…]
Grapes harvest has started in the Lafayette area. A bit of both powdery and downy mildew are present on leaves, but overall fruit quality looks great. Recent rains did not cause fruit cracking so fruit rots are minimal. Early apples are over and mid-season varieties are getting close. Fall bearing (primocane fruiting) red raspberries and[Read More…]
Earlier this month Dr. Stephen Meyers joined the faculty in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture as an Assistant Professor. His research and extension efforts will focus on weed management in specialty crops. Before returning to Purdue he served as an Associate Extension/Research Professor and Sweet potato Extension Specialist with Mississippi State University where[Read More…]
Please welcome Dr. Laura Ingwell as she continues her experience in the Department of Entomology as an Assistant Professor in Horticulture Entomology. Laura received her Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2006. She received her Masters of Science in Ecology from the University of Rhode Island in 2009 and her[Read More…]
Early grapes are being harvested in the southern part of the state. Peach harvest continues in the south as well. Summer bearing blackberry harvest has slowed and primocane fruiting varieties are just getting started in the Lafayette area. Early apples are nearing harvest in the Lafayette area. Dry conditions continue and milder temperatures are excellent[Read More…]
July 9, 2019 Turf & Landscape Field Day William H. Daniel Turf Center Contact: Brooke Ponder, bponder@purdue.edu The 2019 Turf & Landscape Field Day was well attended with 443 attendees, 38 vendors, 4 sponsors, and 20+ volunteers. Morning tours included turf research tours and landscape tours. Afternoon workshops included golf research, accidents and their legal[Read More…]