A new Monsanto-backed company is on the verge of producing the first fruit made with a blockbuster gene-editing tool that could revolutionize agriculture In a move aimed at securing its future, Monsanto has invested $125 million in a gene-editing startup called Pairwise. The alliance could tee up Monsanto, long known for its controversial dealings with[Read More…]
The New York Times reports China has proposed countermeasures to a proposed $60 billion in tariffs from the U.S. on Chinese-made products. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce issued the threat in an online statement. American goods including nuts, wine, and fresh fruit would be subject to 15% tariffs. The Times reports these proposed tariffs in[Read More…]
Of course, we all hope for a late spring to help avoid the risk of damage from late spring frosts. But when the temperature warms up then turns cold again, it leaves us in a real bind. The warm temperatures push tree development, then we want the warmer conditions for good pollinating weather. When we[Read More…]
It has been a cool spring so far and most fruit crops are still relatively dormant in the Lafayette area. Early grapes are just at bud swell, red raspberries are also showing signs of growth, sweet cherry buds are swelling, and early apples are at silver tip. Fruit trees in Lafayette remain dormant, however are[Read More…]
May 7, 2018 Purdue Wine Grape Team “From Grape to Glass” Byler Lane Winery 5858 County Road 35, Auburn, IN 46706 Contact Jill Blume blume@purdue.edu June 26, 2018 Indiana Hort Society Summer Field Day Garwood Orchard, LaPorte, IN Contact Lori Jolly-Brown ljollybr@ purdue.edu October 17, 2018 Indiana Flower Growers Conference Daniel Turf Center Contact Lori Jolly-Brown[Read More…]
Temperatures below -15°F generally kill powdery mildew infected buds. For those of you who had a milder winter, protecting susceptible varieties like Jonathan, Ida Red, Enterprise, Staymen, Granny Smith, and Ginger Gold, be sure to protect at tight cluster, pink, bloom, petal fall and first cover. Remember that fungicide protection is needed until terminal buds[Read More…]
If you had problems with fire blight last year, this is for you: The best preventative measures for fire blight are the application of streptomycin at bloom to prevent blossom blight and the application Apogee at petal fall to reduce shoot blight. Yes, Apogee is expensive. It is worth every single penny. Apply streptomycin just[Read More…]
Calculate the 77 days to harvest date for each of your cultivars and make the final application of EBDC fungicide (Dithane M-45, Manzate 200, Penncozeb, Polyram, Roper) on that date to take full advantage of the excellent control these fungicides provide for bitter rot, black rot, and white rot, in addition to sooty blotch and[Read More…]