Warm, wet, summer weather, coupled with any lapses in orchard sanitation, can result in summer disease outbreaks. At Meigs, we are seeing the foliar stage of Botryosphaeria, aka frog eye leaf spot (Fig. 1). On the plus side, we won’t be surprised when we see black rot on the apples at harvest (Fig. 2). Fortunately,[Read More…]
Although PristineTM was selected in 1982, its history goes back to the early days of the PRI breeding program. From an original cross of Rome Beauty with Malus floribunda 821, selections and hybridizations were made incorporating Golden Delicious, McIntosh, Starking Delicious and Cazumat along the way. The cross that resulted in PristineTM was Coop 10[Read More…]
ReTain (AVG) is a plant growth regulator that blocks the production of ethylene. When ReTain is applied to apple, several ripening processes are slowed, including preharvest drop, fruit flesh softening, starch disappearance, and red color formation. In order for ReTain to be effective it must be applied well in advance of the climacteric rise in[Read More…]
Preharvest drop refers to the process where fruit fall from the tree prior to harvest. Not all apple varieties are affected, but with some, such as McIntosh and Pristine, pre-harvest drop can be extreme. Several growth regulator materials are available to growers to help reduce pre-harvest drop. These materials are often referred to as “stop-drop”[Read More…]
Making the decision on when to harvest can be a very tricky and complicated issue. The longer you intend to store the fruit, the more precise your timing needs to be. For summer apples, most growers only intend to store fruit until their better quality fall apples come on stream, so storage times beyond a[Read More…]
Approximately 40 growers attended the Society’s summer field day a couple of weeks ago. Thanks go to David, Valerie and Theresa Doud for being wonderful hosts. We saw apples, peaches and strawberries, and also some of the new MAIA apple selections being developed. After lunch we visited Cordes Berry Farm which consists of over 9[Read More…]
Japanese beetles have emerged and are actively feeding on our fruit crops. This pest, which used to be the primary insect pest of most small fruits, is no longer the serious pest it used to be, but can still cause problems in localized areas. Small fruit growers who are spraying for SWD control will likely[Read More…]
Both the timing and the weather is right for outbreaks of European red mites right now. Apple growers should be scouting their most susceptible varieties or blocks now. If you find problems, you should scout your entire orchard. There is a good chance that the infestation does not encompass your whole orchard, so only spray[Read More…]
Most growers know that codling moths in the lower Midwest do not behave the same as codling moths in more northern apple growing areas. We usually do not have distinct generations. Here is a graph showing my weekly pheromone trap catches at the Meigs Farm near Lafayette. Notice that the counts have never gone down[Read More…]
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